Any association under the law of the 1st July 1901, must file a Mission Statement to the appropriate government authorities. The statement may be accompanied by additional rules and
In 2011 these two documents were modified and approved during the extraordinary assembly held on 28th January 2011. The updated Mission Statement was signed by the president and both
vice presidents, before being filed with the “sous-préfecture” in Dieppe, following the general assembly on 28th January 2011.
Our board members are elected for three years during the annual general assembly.
The list of the new board and committee members are officially sent every year to the “sous-préfecture” together with any duly completed administration documents.
Our auditors are re-elected every two years during the annual general assembly.
The Mission Statement and additional rules are sent to all members in case of modifications before the general extraordinary assembly that follows, for comments, remarks and details. A copy of
the original is available at the Memorial for all members to consult, in the presence of a committee member.