THE TOURISM OFFICE OF DIEPPE MARITIME - The tourism office of the DIEPPE MARITIME AGGLOMERATION replies to three missions : welcome, information and promote tourism of its terrritory having at your disposal various services.
Built from the 14tth till the 18th century the CHATEAU MUSEE (castle museum) hosts a magnificant collection of ivories, another one dedicated to the navy and various works from the 16th century up to now.
ESTRAN CITE DE LA MER - DIEPPE - Located in an ancient fishermen’s quarter behind theDieppe beach the site is multifunctionary. In fact it is a museum, an aquarium and a centre of scientifique and technical culture.
DIEPPE VILLE D'ART ET D'HISTOIRE - Since 2003, Dieppe Ville d’art et d’histoire (DVAH) is a municipal department in charge du show to the Dieppe inhabitants and to the tourists that Dieppe is a town worth to be visited urgently !
TOURISCLUB DIEPPE - Let us change our view on disability !
ANBD - Official website of "Association Normande de Bande Dessinéee"
ASSOCIATION "JE ME SOUVIENS" - Official website of Association "Je me souviens"